To the right is the 501(c) Agencies Trust Savings Analysis Form for GreatAmerican prospects. Please fully complete the form for your applicable 501(c)(3) and fax it to (800) 449-8563 or email it to information@501c.com.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cynthia Koral by email or at (800) 631-2967.
Important Documents
State Unemployment “Opt-Out” Deadlines
Unemployment Insurance Application
State Unemployment Tax Rate Notices
Below are samples of state unemployment insurance tax rate notices. If you do not see a state that you would like to have a sample for, please contact us.
Alaska: AK_TR02A
Alabama: AL_UO-216
Arizona: AZ_UC-503
California: CA_DE-2088
Colorado: CO_UITR-7
Connecticut: CT_UC-54A
Delaware: DE_UC-12
District of Columbia: DC_632
Florida: FL_20
Georgia: GA_626
Hawaii: HI_30
Idaho: ID_011
Illinois: IL_UI-5B
Iowa: IA_65-5306
Kansas: KS_K-CNS404
Maine: ME_13
Maryland: MD_64
Massachusetts: MA_9701
Michigan: MI_UIA1771
Missouri: MO_527
Nebraska: NE_UI128VR
Nevada: NV_4291
New Hampshire: NH_NHUS1026
New Jersey: NJ_174.1
New Mexico: NM_ES-952
New York: NY_97
North Carolina: NC_104
Ohio: OH_JFS66208
Oklahoma: OK_48
Oregon: OR _238
Pennsylvania: PA_657
Rhode Island: RI_DET-EA101
Tennessee: TN_0482
Texas (USPS version): TX_72381
Texas (internet version): TX_C22
Utah: UT_45
Vermont: VT_119
Virginia: VA_VEC-FC-29
Washington: WA_ID1028_2015
Wisconsin: WI_1008_2015