FedEx Corporation is an American global courier delivery services company headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. Their advertising agency is BBDO New York. And BBDO understands office culture. Last summer the agency produced a few spots for FedEx that not only make a case to use the carrier as a business partner, but the spots also poke fun at parts of office culture.
Like the open floor plan.
They also addressed the growing pains of organizational culture with a clear dig at the “employee manual.”
Lastly, they use kids to make fun of “over-the-top” business personalities. Even nonprofits have these jokers wondering around the office.
Well done FedEx and BBDO. Well done.
Note: 501(c) Agencies Trust participants have access to healthy FedEx discounts through our group purchasing program – PurchasingPoint. Last year 501(c) Agencies Trust participants collectively spent over $2 million dollars through PurchasingPoint and saved more than $630,000. Contact us today for more information about this program – another benefit of 501(c) Agencies Trust.